Computers are an everyday tool now,
students expect to use computers in
other areas
of life - work, socialising - so why not
in language
Word processors
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
- Easy to edit
- Can keep electronic copies for future reference
- Saves paper
- Produces a clean copy. Paper-based version is messy
- Can compare original with final saved version
- Develops keyboarding/word-processing skills
- Teacher can keep a copy, a permanent record of progress and common errors
- Children like doing it
- Writing on computers is now a natural way to write
- Grammar and spell check provides instant feedback
- Can use tracking changes for peer editing and process writing
- Reading/processing text on screen may not be comfortable
- Ordering sentences/paragraphs can be easier on paper
- Texts can be too long for onscreen viewing
- Word skills can get in the way of the language task
- Students may be using computers all day and don’t want to use them when studying a language
- Most exams are still handwritten so hand writing is still a necessary skill
- Need to be careful with instructions – staged and simple –
what instructions can be given in class and what are given on the
Presentation software
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
- Looks good
- Easy to combine pictures and text
- Helps promote IT fluency
- Students like it
- Can be saved and distribute
- Can be used for language activities, not just presentations
- Can take time to produce a good looking presentation
- Can require a lot of planning time
- Students can spend more time playing with images and animation than producing language
- PowerPoint presentations can be very boring
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