воскресенье, 12 августа 2012 г.

Web 2.0 for teachers

A useful overview of the differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 is available in the Web 2.0 for EFL/ESL teachers resource. The video gives a general introduction to what Web 2.0 means to English teachers and learners.

Nik mentions a lot of websites in the presentation. They provide a cross section of the types of site available in the Web 2.0 world.

  • Digg - a news website where users vote on what appears on the front page
  • Wikipedia - a user generated encyclopaedia
  • YouTube - user generated video sharing website
  • BigThink - a forum for new ideas
  • Flickr - a photo sharing website
  • TeacherTube - a video sharing website aimed at teachers
  • MonkeySee - a user generated 'how to' video site
  • Podomatic - a website where users can create their own radio style radio shows
  • Voicethread - a tool for discussing files and photos
  • VoxSwap - a language exchange site
  • Palobea - a language learning site for teachers to teach online
  • CourseLab -free e-learning authoring tool

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